  • Action research
  • Governance
  • Participatory research
  • Social and solidarity economy
Amount granted


The project aims to identify and acknowledge the democratic and participatory governance models and mechanisms of social economy enterprises (SEEs) that are conducive to sustainability in a circular economy.

Very few empirical studies have focused on the contributions, conditions and modalities of democratic, participatory and inclusive governance as a lever for the implementation of circular systems. Yet, the research conducted over the past few years by Territoires innnovants en économie sociale et solidaire (TIESS) on circular business models in a social economy has increasingly emphasized the need to better understand the democratic and participatory governance models that are at work.

The project is part of an initiative led by TIESS for the past five years and aims to position and deploy the social economy as a partner in a sustainable circular economy. The four team members are also contributing to an international research network on the social economy and circular economy that is currently under development at the initiative of two of the team’s researchers.

Affiliated research axes

Axis 1: Change and Transition Management

1.3 – Identify means to mobilize all societal stakeholders for the circular economy
1.4 – Identify and develop the roles of education and research to support the circular economy


  • Martine Vézina

    Adjunct Professor
  • Rafael Ziegler

    Ph.D. Adjunct Professor
  • Justine Ballon

    Ph.D. Assistant professor


Amélie Artis

SciencesPo Grenoble

Anaïs El Amraoui

Student at ENAP

Gracia Balezi Cito

Student at Sciences Po Grenoble (France)

Gabrielle Plourde

Student at HEC


  • Summary of project results

  • Democratic and participatory governance in the social and circular economy : practices, challenges, prospects.

    Synthesis of the HEC Université Éphémère
  • Democratic and participatory governance models and mechanisms for social economy enterprises (SEEs)

    Webinar with the RRECQ
  • Democratic and participatory governance of the social economy in the circular economy

    Conference at the 2024 Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for Studies in Co-operation
  • What are the specific governance characteristics of social economy enterprises in the circular economy ? A proposed framework for analysis

    Conference at the 90th ACFAS Congress
The RRECQ is supported by the Fonds de recherche du Québec.
Fonds de recherche - Québec