  • Change management
  • Circular employment
  • Social and solidarity economy
Amount granted


The growing interest in the circular economy (CE) as a response to the requirements of sustainable development raises many questions about the transformations CE will bring about, particularly in the labour market.

The research therefore aims to describe, categorize and assess the quality of core circular jobs in SEEs.

There are two types of circular jobs: core jobs and enabling jobs. This study focuses on core jobs, which sustain material loops and constitute the pillars of the CE. It is essential to understand their characteristics and ensure their quality upstream of eventual mutations. For that reason, the research will also consider the social and solidarity economy, which brings together organizations and businesses whose objective is to promote social well-being.

Affiliated research axes

Axis 1: Change and Transition Management

1.1 – Establish a reference framework for the circular economy
1.3 – Identify means to mobilize all societal stakeholders for the circular economy

Axis 4: Policy levers

4.3 – Ensure the consistency and relevance of levers


  • Sophie Bernard

    Ph.D. Full Professor
  • Emmanuel Raufflet

    Full Professor


Clara Alagy

Polytechnique Montréal


  • Summary of project results

  • Jobs in Quebec's social and circular economy

    Conference at the 90th ACFAS Congress
  • Democratic and participatory governance in the social and circular economy : practices, challenges, prospects.

    Presentation at a HEC Université Éphémère
The RRECQ is supported by the Fonds de recherche du Québec.
Fonds de recherche - Québec