  • Circular employment
  • Job
  • Quality
  • Workplace governance
Amount granted


This project will analyze:

  1. the quality of work in circular jobs in Quebec
  2. work governance mechanisms
  3. their impact on improving (or deteriorating) the quality of jobs in the circular economy (CE)

The concept of quality of work refers to the nature of work, the conditions under which it is performed, and its effects on people's quality of life and well-being (Murray et al. 2023: 307). Work governance corresponds to the structures for concerting and implementing working conditions. It involves managers and directors, unions and members of sectoral and territorial organizations (e.g. sectoral workforce committees). It should be noted that the various players on the steering committee have co-constructed this project. This project is a collaboration between RRECQ and CRIMT (Centre de recherches internationales sur la Mondialisation et le Travail)

Affiliated research axes

Axis 1: Change and Transition Management

1.2 – Conceptualize the intended transition to a circular Québec 2026–2050
1.3 – Identify means to mobilize all societal stakeholders for the circular economy
1.4 – Identify and develop the roles of education and research to support the circular economy


  • Emmanuel Raufflet

    Full Professor
  • Éric Mateu-Huon

    B.Éd., M.Sc., Adm.A. College teacher-researcher


Sara Perez-Lauzon

Professor at HEC

Vincent Pasquier

Professor at HEC
The RRECQ is supported by the Fonds de recherche du Québec.
Fonds de recherche - Québec