  • Artistic practices
  • Awareness-raising
  • Consumer
  • Life cycle assessment (LCA)
  • Source reduction
  • Textile
Amount granted


Global clothing manufacturing more than doubled between 2000 and 2015, and the industry is pursuing its rapid expansion, mainly owing to the fast fashion phenomenon.  The textile industry’s model must therefore be transformed to evolve into a more circular one.

In an effort to counter textile waste in Québec, textile research and innovation centre Vestechpro is seeking to develop knowledge related to the life cycle analysis (LCA) of garments to raise awareness of the importance of adopting better textile consumption habits (source reduction). With that in mind, Vestechpro created a research platform equipped with a defibrator to recycle fabrics, since defibration enables the development of niche applications, including the transformation of textile waste into sculptures.

The project’s objectives are two-fold:

  1. Develop knowledge and analysis tools related to the garment life cycle. The results of the LCA and specifically the carbon footprint of a garment and the amount of water consumed will be used to raise awareness among Québec consumers.
  2. Transform textile waste for artistic purposes to minimize waste to landfill by creating sculptures from recycled fibres whose characteristics are in line with the concepts of new artistic applications.

Affiliated research axes

Axis 1: Change and Transition Management

1.2 – Conceptualize the intended transition to a circular Québec 2026–2050
1.4 – Identify and develop the roles of education and research to support the circular economy

Axis 2: Planning Optimization

2.1 – Support the development and use of tools to analyze and monitor the circular economy
2.4 – Plan and optimize the production of products and delivery of services in the context of the circular economy


  • Ennouri Triki

    Ph.D. Principal researcher
  • José Carlos Ferreira Junior

    Student member


Adam St-Laurent

Chargé de projet Vestechpro

Helen Brunet

Directrice Vestechpro

Stéphanie Lenne


Juliette Fournier-Brisebois


Alicia Turgeon

Eastern bloc

David Jacques

Cégep Marie-Victorin

Aurélie Chayer

Cégep Marie-Victorin

Stéphanie Granger

Cégep Marie-Victorin

Joséphine Peschet Brignonen

Cégep Marie-Victorin

Alissa Eva Guerrier

Cégep Marie-Victorin

Elsie Aubry

Cégep Marie-Victorin

Kassandra Graham

Cégep Marie-Victorin


  • Summary of project results

  • Renaissance explores textile recycling

    Interview for La Presse
  • Recycling old clothes : mission impossible ?

    Interview for Radio-Canada
  • Research, Creativity and Innovation Week

    Exhibition at Cégep Marie-Victorin
The RRECQ is supported by the Fonds de recherche du Québec.
Fonds de recherche - Québec