Membership Category
- Associate
- École de Technologie Supérieure - ETS
- Water and Environment
- Biomimétisme
- Conception biomimétique
- Low Tech
- Technologies appropriées pour l'aide au développement
Philippe Terrier trained as a mechanical engineer, holds a Master's degree in renewable energy engineering, a DESS in management and sustainable development from HEC Montréal, and a PhD in biomimetic engineering design methodology (ÉTS-HEC). He has taken part in three scientific missions in Antarctica, including a year-long wintering at the Dumont d'Urville polar station, and several logistical raids at Dome C as part of a glaciological drilling program in Antarctica to study climate change. His professional career has also led him to work as sustainable development coordinator for a wind turbine company, and as general manager of Ingénieurs Sans Frontières Québec. He is also a volunteer with a number of cooperative NGOs, including Cyclo Nord Sud, which recycles bicycles to facilitate mobility in developing countries. Philippe is currently head of the Laboratoire d'Ingénierie pour le Développement Durable, and a lecturer at the École de technologie supérieure.