Membership Category
- Regular
- Université du Québec à Montréal - UQAM
- Management
- Social and circular economy
- Cooperatives and the circular economy
- Management of collective social enterprises
- Governance of the social economy
- Social innovation
Scientific activities and affiliations
- Organization and Human Resources Department (ESG UQAM)
- Center for Research on Social Innovations (CRISES)
- Social and Collective Enterprise Research Group (GESC)
- Social Economy Research Network
A professor at ESG UQAM since 2023, Julie Rijpens has been conducting research in social economics and the management of social and collective enterprises for over 15 years. After obtaining a PhD in management sciences from the University of Liège (Belgium) in 2014, she joined McGill University for a postdoctorate in social innovation. Her research interests focus on the conceptual and legal frameworks of the social economy, the economic and governance models of social economy enterprises, the contribution of arts-research alliances to realizing the potential of social innovation, and the contributions of the social economy to emerging fields, such as the circular economy or renewable energies. Her research work has been published in several scientific collectives and journals. Julie Rijpens is also involved in knowledge mobilization and transfer activities with stakeholders and public decision-makers, drawing on her involvement in partnership research projects, as well as her recent professional experience as a public policy analyst in social economy and social innovation at the OECD.