Membership Category
- Associate
- Université de Toulouse
- Chemical Engineering
- Economy
- Industrial Engineering
- Political Science
- Water and Environment
- Engineering
- Applied sciences
- Social sciences
- Network management
- Water management and treatment
- Marine biotechnologies
Scientific activities and affiliations
- Circulades - network of Occitan researchers in circular economy
- AIFREC - French Interdisciplinary Association for Research in Circular Economy
Leader of the Circulades key challenge (Réseau des chercheurs Occitans sur l'Economie Circulaire) and co-founder of AIFREC (Association Interdisciplinaire Française pour la Recherche en Economie Circulaire), Alexandre is also involved in the organization of CIEC (Congrès Interdisciplinaire sur l'Economie Circulaire), the first edition of which will take place on June 26 and 27, 2024 in Montpellier (France).