Here with Virginie Francoeur | How to reduce ecoanxiety through green practices in the workplace?
This webinar aims to understand eco-anxiety in the light of change management, to provide a guide for employees and organizations wishing to reduce their colleagues’ eco-anxiety and mobilize them by proposing courses of action.
Designed as a fun activity in the form of a card game to measure the eco-responsible behaviours of employees (regardless of their hierarchical level), the activity makes it possible to become aware of one’s own behaviours and, at the end of the session, to make an eco-responsible commitment according to one’s performance: eco-laissez-faire, eco-indifferent, eco-engaged, eco-altruist, eco-activist. This activity requires a laptop. The game is not yet available on cell phones.
About the speaker
Professor, researcher and writer, Virginie Francoeur holds a bachelor’s degree in management, a master’s degree in organizational development (HEC Montréal) and a doctorate in management (Université Laval). To further her knowledge of occupational psychology, she completed a doctoral internship at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Valencia, Spain.
Since June 2020, she has been Professor of Organizational Change in the Department of Mathematics and Industrial Engineering at Polytechnique Montréal, leading a research team on eco-responsible behavior in the workplace. This involves in-depth knowledge of change management, work organization and psychosocial dynamics.
Her research, which has been published in scientific journals (i.e., Organization & Environment; Journal of Cleaner Production, European Management Journal, Journal of Business Research) seeks to understand how individuals can become agents of change to accelerate the ecological transition. In 2022, she published her sixth book “Green behaviors in the workplace” with Éditions Sprigner Nature. Virginie Francoeur is keen to continue working on inspiring projects to (re)place people and the environment at the heart of organizational decision-making, while ensuring that the results benefit both the research community and industry.