Here with Franck Aggeri | The circular economy: a sustainable renaissance?
Historical perspectives, the originality of the dominant circular economy narrative and the dialogue between weak and strong circularity. We reflect on the craze for a utopian narrative of the circular economy as an economically and ecologically sustainable model.
From weak to strong circularity
Organized in collaboration with HEC Montréal’s Pôle e3c, this webinar will address the utopian narrative of the circular economy, presented as an economically and ecologically sustainable alternative to the linear economy, which is enjoying a strong following among a variety of audiences.
This presentation will first examine the popularity of the concept, discuss the originality of the dominant circular economy narrative, and address its historical roots. Secondly, it will highlight the limits of weak circularity, aimed at adapting to the margins of the dominant economic system, and contrast it with strong circularity, based on the principles of sobriety and extended product life.
Please note that the presentation will be in French.
Speaker :
Franck Aggeri is professor of management at Mines Paris – PSL and co-director of the Mines urbaines chair dedicated to the circular economy. His current research at the CGS-i3 of Mines Paris – PSL focuses on responsible innovation and the circular economy. He is also a columnist for Alternatives Économiques. His recent contributions include:
- L’innovation, mais pour quoi faire ? Essai sur un mythe économique, social et managérial, le Seuil, mars 2023.
- L’économie circulaire (with Rémi Beulque and Helen Micheaux), Repères, La Découverte, mars 2023.
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