Membership Category

  • Associate


  • HEC Montréal


  • Management
  • Sociology


  • Organization theories
  • Sociology and anthropology of the economyc
  • Sustainable degrowth

Scientific activities and affiliations

  • Management Department


Associate Professor in the Management Teaching Department at HEC Montréal, Yves-Marie Abraham teaches and conducts research in the sociology of economics.

His work on the social foundations of economic reality has led him to take a close interest in the "growth objection". He edited a collective work on the subject: Décroissance versus développement durable. Débats pour la suite du monde (Écosociété, 2011), and created one of the first university courses on "sustainable degrowth".

Affiliated research axes

Change and Transition Management

Planning Optimization

Resource and Product Maximization

Policy levers

The RRECQ is supported by the Fonds de recherche du Québec.
Fonds de recherche - Québec