Membership Category
- Regular
- École de Technologie Supérieure - ETS
- Water and Environment
- Decision support
- Industrial ecology
- Environmental information management
- Residual materials
- Environmental perfomance
- Multifactor recovery
Mathias Glaus is co-titular of Axe 3, on maximizing resources and products, of the Quebec Circular Economy Research Network. A full professor in the Construction Engineering Department at ÉTS since 2010, he is a founding member of CERIEC at ÉTS, a member of the Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche en opérationnalisation du développement durable (CIRODD) and a member of CIRODD's permanent evaluation committee. His work focuses on environmental performance assessment and decision-making tools in multi-actor contexts of resource access and exchange within a territory. He is co-titular of the École d'été sur l'Économie circulaire at CERIUM and co-responsible for five courses in the master's program in environmental engineering at ÉTS.
Affiliated research axes
Change and Transition Management
Planning Optimization
Resource and Product Maximization
Policy levers
Projects funded by the RRECQ
Office furniture recovery in Québec: constraints and prospects for improvement from a circular perspective
The project will assess the system to recover and reclaim office furniture in Québec by evaluating initiatives, identifying stakeholders and creating an inventory of furniture types and their characteristics.
The obstacles and levers to the development of an office furniture recovery sector will also be identified.
National and international monitoring of the end-of-life management of office furniture and related business models will also be carried out.
- Furniture industry
- Material Flow Cost Accounting (MFCA)
- Recovery