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Scientific activities and affiliations
- École des sciences de l'administration
Emmanuelle Champion is a professor of management at TÉLUQ University's École des Sciences de l'administration (ESA), where she has taught business ethics and corporate social responsibility (CSR) since 2017. She holds a master's degree in environmental sciences and a doctorate in administration from Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM). Her research focuses on the emergence of the company as a political agent of change in the sustainable development paradigm, and on the appropriation of CSR by new players, in this case aboriginal communities in the Quebec mining industry. Professor Champion is project director of the Groupe de recherche intervention sur les minières en Afrique et le développement durable (GRIMADD). She is also a member of the Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur la mondialisation et le travail (CRIMT). She also represents the Syndicat des professeurs.e.s de l'Université TÉLUQ (SPPTU) on the Comité institutionnel de développement durable.