This webinar aims to present the results of a significant research project on health and the circular economy in a hospital setting. Adopting a material flow analysis approach, this project quantified and characterized the consumption and disposal of materials within the operating room and post-surgery. Supported by observations and interviews conducted with various stakeholders in the hospital environment, this project also highlighted several issues related to the consumption and disposal of these materials and identified potential solutions to make healthcare more sustainable and circular.

About the speaker

Marc Journeault is the co-director of the Réseau de recherche en économie circulaire du Québec. Since 2006, he has been a professor at the École de Comptabilité at Université Laval and the head of the Centre de recherche en Comptabilité et Développement Durable (CerCeDD). His research focuses on the role of management accounting in supporting a sustainable corporate strategy and on the various operational and managerial practices in sustainable development and the circular economy that can be adopted by organizations.

The RRECQ is supported by the Fonds de recherche du Québec.
Fonds de recherche - Québec