On the occasion of the Assises québécoises de l’économie circulaire 2023, the Réseau de recherche en économie circulaire du Québec (RRECQ), in collaboration with CerCeDD and CERGO, is pleased to welcome Jocelyn Blériot, a leading figure in the field, a scientist passionate about environmental issues and the well-being of the planet and its inhabitants, and an outstanding communicator and popularizer.

Come and chat with him and ask your questions about :

  • The socio-economic impact of the circular economy, resilience and decarbonization
  • Quebec’s position in relation to other international jurisdictions
  • International and geopolitical trends related to the circular economy
  • Comparative public policies and transition levers

This event will take place in a hybrid format and will be in French. Jocelyn Blériot will be present on the campus of Laval University, and an online broadcast of the discussions is planned.

About Jocelyn Blériot

Jocelyn Blériot is Executive Director, International Institutions and Government Relations at the Ellen MacArthur Foundation. He has been with the Foundation since its creation in 2010, after 15 years in the media and publishing sector. He leads the organization’s institutional engagement and work with national governments in the Foundation’s offices (Europe, Latin America, China, North America). He manages relations with governments and supranational bodies such as the European Commission, the United Nations, the G7/20 Resource Alliance, the OECD and the World Economic Forum. Jocelyn was a member of the Circular Economy Advisory Council of the China Council for International Development Cooperation (CCICED) and is currently part of the International Advisory Network of the Forum on Trade, Environment and SDGs (TESS).

About the Ellen MacArthur Foundation

The Ellen MacArthur Foundation is an international charity that develops and promotes the circular economy to tackle some of the greatest challenges of our time, such as climate change, biodiversity loss, waste and pollution.

The Foundation works closely with a network of decision-makers in the private and public sectors, as well as academia, to build capacity, explore opportunities for collaboration, and design and develop circular economy initiatives and solutions.

Presented in collaboration with :

The RRECQ is supported by the Fonds de recherche du Québec.
Fonds de recherche - Québec