Membership Category

  • Regular


  • HEC Montréal
  • Université du Québec à Montréal - UQAM


  • Waste
  • Recycling
  • Insertion
  • Moral division of labor
  • Working conditions
  • Handicap


Ambre Fourrier est doctorante en sociologie à l’UQAM. Elle travaille dans le cadre de sa thèse sur la prise en charge du recyclage et s’intéresse plus largement, à la manière dont les discours sur l’économie circulaire prennent en compte la question du travail. Titulaire d’une maîtrise en Gestion et Innovation sociale à HEC Montréal, elle est aussi autrice d’un essai intitulé Le revenu de base en question de l’impôt négatif au revenu de transition paru chez Écosociété en 2019.

Affiliated research axes

Change and Transition Management

Planning Optimization

Resource and Product Maximization

Policy levers

Projects funded by the RRECQ

The invisible hands at work in the circular economy: survey of waste sorting in rehiring firms in Québec


Research on the topic of work is very rare, with the exception of some quantitative job creation projections. Yet, the circularization of the economy assumes a significant amount of human effort despite the technological advances—work that is often entrusted to marginalized populations. In Québec, there is an overrepresentation of immigrants and individuals with a disability within the sector, thus raising issues with respect to social and environmental justice. What does this sorting work actually consist of? Who carries out the work? Under what conditions?

The project aims to study the entire household waste processing cycle in Québec with a particular focus on the recycling activities of rehiring firms. Conceptually, it is rooted specifically in research on free work and dirty work and seeks to inform the debate on the public policies that provide the framework for the circular economy and socio-professional integration. From a phenomenological perspective, the research will document workers’ experiences, which provide important information to improve their working conditions.


  • Circular employment
  • Recycling
  • Social metabolism
The RRECQ is supported by the Fonds de recherche du Québec.
Fonds de recherche - Québec